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Dr. Nelson Lopez

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
Comprehensive Ophthalmologist
Board-Certified by 
American Osteopathic Board of Ophthalmology

Medical Training

Western University of Health Sciences
Pomona, CA
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, 2005
Touro University/Valley Hospital
Las Vegas, NV
Ophthalmology Residency, 2009-2013
Chief Ophthalmology Resident, 2013


I partner with my patients to manage many ocular conditions, including amblyopia (lazy eye), glaucoma, allergy, dry eye, cataracts, diabetes, and macular degeneration. I am blessed to be in this position, and have the utmost respect for the responsibilities I have to my patients.
I also treat refractive (vision-related) conditions such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism (oval-shaped eyes) and presbyopia (reading vision).
I specialize in surgical treatment of many types of strabismus (misalignment of the eyes), using eye muscle recession and resection techniques, as well as plication and tenotomy methods. 



After living most of my life in Southern California, I truly feel my home is here in Las Vegas. I enjoy spending my time outside of the office with my wife and daughters. Volleyball is our favorite pastime, and almost daily we are doing something related to volleyball. I love coaching my daughters' Nevada Youth Sports team. 

I am an avid sports fan. My favorite teams are the Green Bay Packers, Los Angeles Lakers, Los Angeles Kings, and Los Angeles Angels. 
Clinically, I am interested in furthering my knowledge about progressive myopia (nearsightedness) and the effects of eyedrop therapy on slowing progression. I am also interested in researching if this therapy can be beneficial for exophoria and exotropia (outward misalignment of the eyes).
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